Looking to celebrate a special birthday, anniversary, or engagement let us find the perfect place (UK or worldwide) for you to celebrate with family and friends. With years of experience we know precisely what it takes to bring your celebration to life, we will liaise with the venue to ensure your brief is met and to make your party truly unforgettable.

Large & lavish, small & intimate & everything in between – from concept to completion, we will be able to organize everything for you – entertainment, decorations, venue, transport, photographer/videos, and much more!

What you need to do:-

  1. Decide on a budget
  2. Pick a date along with start and finish times
  3. Create a guest list as this will determine which venue to use
  4. Hold a meeting with your event planner ( that’s us) to discuss your theme & ideas, along with location, setup, food & drink requirements, and entertainment. We will reach out to venues and discuss packages ensuring they come within your budget
  5. Choose a venue
  6. Send out save-the-date invites
  7. Sit back relax and let us do all the organizing

Take the first step towards your dream event, get in touch today at info@aaeventsandtravel.com